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Applesoft BASIC Source Code  |  1988-09-03  |  2KB

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Program Identifications
ConfidenceProgramIdentificationMatch Type
1% dexvert Applesoft BASIC Source Code (applesoftBASIC) magic
1% dexvert IFF TDDD 3-D Render Document (iffTDDD) ext
1% dexvert Amiga Hunk Library/Object (amigaLibrary) ext
1% dexvert COFF Library (coffLibrary) ext
1% dexvert Flashback Object (flashbackObject) ext
1% dexvert Intel Common Object File Format Object (intellCOFFObject) ext
1% dexvert Relocatable Object Module (relocatableObjectModule) ext
1% dexvert 3D Construction Kit Object (threeDCKObject) ext
1% dexvert X-CAD Modifier Table (xCADModifierTable) ext
100% file Applesoft BASIC program data, first line number 17 default
99% file data default
64% TrID Memo File Apollo Database Engine default
21% TrID VXD Driver default
13% TrID Sybase iAnywhere database files default